Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Porter's visit the Pumpkin Patch

Well, we started a tradition for Ethan's second Halloween that we'd start going to a local pumpkin patch in North Plains. What started when we were just a family of three, grew with us as we became a family of four. We had an amazing time this year, accompanied by amazing weather as well.
I've learned as my children are in this stage right now, that it is impossible for me to get them both to look at the camera at the same time. Which for this mom who is trying to work on her photography skills, is quite the challenge. But we didn't let that get us down. We embarked on our adventure to find the GREAT pumpkin!
Something new that we did this year, was the pony rides. Now that both of our kids are big enough, we thought we'd give it a shot. They both LOVED it. The man who was walking with Maddie kept saying she was a natural at riding a pony (so what if he says that to all of the parents, haha) - - and I truly felt like she was. She would sit there, with one hand holding on the saddle, relaxed, just enjoying the sunshine. Guess we know what we'll have to buy her in the future (yeah right!). Ethan did great as well, and really enjoyed his moment of being a real cowboy.

We were also privileged to go to the pumpkin patch with grandma Porter, grandma and grandpa Christopherson, uncle Dain and Aunt Angie, and cousin Kellen. We got to ride on boats, trains, and walk through the patches looking for pumpkins. We even got our trusty wheel burrow and found the most PERFECT pumpkins as you can see!
I think these two were the best pumpkins in the patch!

Ethan always has a wonderful time riding on the boat. He was especially lucky this year because he got to go to the pumpkin patch just a few days before with his preschool class, and then he got to go again with mom, dad, sister, and family to enjoy the sunshine. He also loves riding the train on the way back.
Another thing we did this year was the face painting. Last year Ethan wouldn't let them paint on his face, he got it on his hand, so this year we told him he needed to get it on his cheek. He was hesitant at first, but ended up really enjoying having his bat on his cheek. Maddie was too fidgety to get one on her face, so we decided to get her a "kitty-kitty" on her hand. Of course it didn't last long, because before we could get it to dry, she was slamming her hand on everything she could find. But it was still fun to take part in that fun aspect of the pumpkin patch as well.

Ethan also got to partake in his most FAVORITE thing at the pumpkin patch. Riding the Centipede! He has adored this ride since riding it last year. He has recreated it with his Lego's, and any toy he can find that connects. It's so wonderful to see his face light up when he crawled in. I would love to some day buy land where we could make things like this for him. Dreams of course.

Well, the Porter family Pumpkin Patch trip was a success. We had a great time as always. I love the Halloween season. It's a real treat for us!

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