Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our very own DIY project...

But then again, when aren't we in the middle of our very own DIY project?

One of the things I have ALWAYS admired about my husband, is just how handy he is. Growing up, he had to help his parents on a lot of work and projects on updating the house he grew up in, so he's done many amazing things around our house as well because of this reason.

When we got married, I had originally thought that I wanted a platfom bed, which Allan made for us with no complaints. And after years of bruised shins, scraped legs, and just a complete overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction, we deicded to get rid of it. For months now, our bed has been sitting on just the box springs on the floor. And finally, after plenty of time has gone by, I have decided that since we have been married for five years, and we have two children, it's probably not a good time to start living like we're college students. So I have been after Allan for months about getting a bed frame. But the truth of the matter is, we just don't have the money to buy a whole new bed set. So Allan decided, that since we had PLENTY of boards left over from when we built our deck last summer, he'd just build one out of the boards we had left. So I started looking for designs online. I knew I wanted a bed that was completely enclosed around the bottom (because I'm sick of all the dust bunnies, sippy cups full of juice, milk, and who knows what, and socks being found under it). I also decided I wanted some drawers put in, because I don't like our dressers, and I want to get them out of our room. I also knew that I wanted a headboard for our bed (which is something we've never had) and I wanted it to have shelves on it, to replace the nightstands, which I also am sick of looking at. Nothing in our room matches, and I'm ready to have a "grown up" room. So here's a look at the bed we made! It's not COMPLETELY finished, but it's very very close!

The truth is, I really enjoy how it's turning out. All we have to do is add some extra width to the headboard to be able to put our books, lamps and alarm clock on. And the "wood" backing for underneath the headboard, and that same backing will go behind the headboard so that the wall doesn't show through. And this week, we start PAINTING! I am so excited. Soon, I will have a nice getaway room, that won't be holding any more storage in it, and that will make me feel overwhelmed anymore! Once everything is finished, I will update for sure.

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